India’s leading Animation, VFX and Multimedia institute, Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC) South Extension, Pitampura and Rajouri Garden presented the 4th edition of annual “Delhi CG Animation Awards” at DilliHaat, INA, New Delhi on 11th April, 2015.
DCGAA, as it is fondly called, is a platform where the industry and education in the Media and Entertainment sector comes together.
★ Professional Film Makers ★ Photographers ★ Game Designers ★ Corporate Designers ★ Visual Effects Studios ★ Architectural Animation Studios ★ Animated - Film making industry Veterans & Students are the constituents of the total participation pool and audience of DCGAA, which crossed 2000+ submissions in its 2015 edition.
MAAC has always strived to create platforms for raising the awareness among the youth about the latest trends in the CG Imaging Industry. Delhi CG Animation Awards 2015 was an effort in the same direction.
There are two parallel objectives for conducting Delhi CG Animation Awards: • Recognition • Education
Recognition, of the emerging and established talents in the Computer Generated Imagery Industry. Education, of students and professionals about the available opportunities, challenges, technologies and recognized industry standards.
Like in all its previous editions, DCGAA 2015 had an esteemed panel consisting of reputed Studios like Sparrow Interactive Pvt. Ltd., Pencillati, AffleAppstudioz, Riverbank Studios and Verve Studios as a part of its jury along with names like Mr. AbirAich, AVP – Aptech, and Mr. PradeepSawant, Technical Head – North Zone, MAAC to review and determine the winners in categories ranging from 3D, Vfx, Live Action, 2D and Stop Motion Film Making.
The zestful day of the event started with screening of Student Closed Category movies made by 700+ students across MAAC South Extension, Pitampura and Rajouri Garden. Many activities like T-Shirt Painting, Superhero Mask-making, Graffiti Making, Live DP Making Competition and Call of Duty Gaming Competitions were organized for the students. Winners were rewarded with gifts and merchandises from MAAC, Honda and Wacom.
The Awards Distribution Ceremony was opened with the traditional Lamp Lighting Ceremony by Mr. Deepak Choudhary, Director – MAAC South Extension, Pitampura and Rajouri Garden, Mrs. BhavikaChauhan, AVP - MAAC, Mr. RachitMathur, Regional Manager – North, MAAC, and Mr. PradeepSawant in the evening. Forty threeAwards were presented throughout the evening to the winners. Studios, student teams and individuals, all were recognized for excellence in their work in the industry at thisgala event.
Anxiousness and enthusiasm of the audiences that was already on its peak, went over the roof when the lead Actresses of the movie“Margherita with a straw” – KalkiKekla and Sayani Gupta took over the stage of Delhi CG Animation Awards 2015 and danced and hummed to the tunes of their upcoming flick. To add on to the ever high spirits of the masses, AnnuKapoor along with the team of his upcoming Bollywood satire – “Jai Ho Democracy”, Mr. RanjitKapoor -Director, Mr. Bikramjeet Singh Bhullar–Co- Director and Producer and Mr. Luv Mehta from Ray N Brotherhood interacted with the aspiring filmmakers in the crowd.The evening culminated with a lot eyes shining with pride for their work and the recognition achieved. The night of Delhi CG Animation Awards 2015 has just left every one of its audience gaping in awe of what they witnessed and wishing for the edition to come soon!